One day a worm named wiggle came out of his hole to play with his friends. Wiggle always played with them on a Sunday morning like this one. So he crawled out of his hole and slowly walked to his best friend's house. But when he knocked on the door of his friend's house, nobody answered.
"Come out and play with me, best friend, Crawlie", said Wiggle. But still no one answered.
"Crawlie must have forgot", murmured Wiggle. So he crawled to his next best friend's house. This time when Wiggle reached his friend's house, he knocked not once but twice on the door. No one answered.
"Come out and play with me, friend Slimy", shouted Wiggle. Still no one answered.
"Slimy must have forgot too", said Wiggle. So he went home again. Back to his parents on a Sunday like this. When he got home his parents said,
"Did you find anyone to play with?"
"No, I did not", said Wiggle.
"Of course you didn't", said Wiggle's father.
"Today's Bird Day."
" What's Bird Day", asked Wiggle.
"Bird Day is when all the birds that like to eat worms come out and catch as many worms as they like. Not like regular days when they can only catch what they need to survive', said Wiggle's father.
"But can I still go out and walk", asked Wiggle.
"Yes. Just be more careful", said his mother.
"I will", said Wiggle.
Wiggle went out and walked to take in fresh air. But just then a blue jay swooped down and carried Wiggle into the high sky.
"Please don't eat me", said Wiggle.
"I'm not. I'm just trying to get all the worms I can save so they won't ge eat up by other birds", said th blue jay.
" Thank goodness", said Wiggle.
"I'll get you back to your home as soon as Bird Day is over", said the blue jay.
"Okay", said Wiggle.
As it turned out, the blue jay wasn't lying.
"What's your name", asked the blue jay when it was sending Wiggle home.
"Wiggle", said Wiggle.
"What's yours?"
"Sky", said the blue jay. Then they talked no more untill Wiggle got home. But when Wiggle got home, his parents wasn't there!
"My p-p-p-parents are gone", stammered Wiggle
"Then the birds must have ate them up too", said Sky.
"But then who will be my mother and my father", asked Wiggle.
"I will", said Sky.
"Thank you", said Wiggle.
"No problem", said Sky.
Then Wiggle and Sky lived happily forever!!!!!
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