Sunday, June 17, 2007


Are there other "open source" chart libraries?

Yes. If JFreeChart doesn't meet your requirements, try one of the following free/open source alternatives:

* the PtPlot project (UC Berkeley copyright);

* the JRobin project (LGPL);

* the Java Chart Construction Kit (LGPL, works with JDK 1.1.;

* the JOpenChart project (LGPL);

* the jCharts project (BSD-style);

* the JChart2D project (LGPL);

* the Chart2D project (LGPL);

* the ThunderGraph project (LGPL);

* the E-Gantt project (Q Public License);

* the MagPlot project (GPL);

们没人用过大名鼎鼎的jfreechart么?IB TWS的chart就是借自他们的代码。

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