Sunday, May 20, 2007

CharlesTrader------Kwik Pop

Looked at the Kwik Pop web page, and their chart examples for Tradestation. They appear to use the following:

1. 24 hour chart

2. 150 Tick chart

The attached chart is an attempt to simulate what I see on the Kwik Pop examples.

1. 24 hour chart

2. 150 Tick chart

3. 3 Period SMA Displaced forward 2 bars

4. 3 Period SMA Displaced backward 2 bars

5. MACD showing histogram of MACD/MACD Avg Difference

6. Long Term MACD is 5 times the Short term MACDKwik Pop claims to look at 18 conditions, I'm only looking at 4.

For short trade, Forward Displaced SMA must be above Backward Displace SMA , Price must be below Forward Displaced SMA, both Long Term and Short Term Momentum must be negative.I like this.Maybe one day I can dream up 18 conditions to analyze, but for now 4 will do.Charles
Attachment: kwik pop chart.jpgThis has been downloaded 371 time(s).

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